Legal notice
Website owner
The website is the exclusive property of TABHOTEL.
TABHOTEL address : 92 Rue Louis Rouquier, 92300, LEVALLOIS PERRET, FRANCE
The company was registered on the 16th of February 2015 at the Commercial Court of Paris. SIRET Registered number: 798 149 142.
SAS (simplified limited liability company) with a share capital of € 44 445,00..
Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Mr Fabrice GOUSSIN.
Hosting service: OVH, SAS with a share capital of € 10 059 500.
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix FRANCE,
SIRET Registered number: 424 761 419 00045 RCS Lille Métropole.
Tabhotel SAS
92 Rue Louis Rouquier
Property - Right of use
The website structure and all content, pictures, sounds, documents and all other website material that you can find on this website are subjected to the legislation in force on the royalty and remains the exclusive property of TABHOTEL. Reproduction and distribution of all or parts of the contents is forbidden unless written consent is first obtained from TABHOTEL.
The trademarks and logo featured on this website belongs to their exclusive owners. Any reproduction or representation, whether partial or total, of these trademarks and logos, by any means, is prohibited without the prior explicit written consent of the owners.
For rights of reproduction or representation, request must be made to TABHOTEL through the contact form
With few exceptions, reproductions for commercial or advertising purposes will not be authorized.
TABHOTEL authorizes the use of hypertext links pointing to its website on condition that:
- The link to TABHOTEL website opens a new window, indicating that a link has been created to an external Internet site.
– que la balise « title » du lien mentionne et que la mention de la source soit indiquée clairement sur le lien ou à proximité de celui-ci.
- The link is not used for commercial or advertising purposes.
Toute reproduction d’un des éléments du site à l’intérieur d’un site tiers par des procédés d’inclusion, de cadres, d’inlining ou de tout autre procédé de nature similaire est formellement interdite.
Cette autorisation ne s’applique pas aux sites internet diffusant des informations à caractère violent, pornographique, xénophobe ou pouvant, dans une plus large mesure, porter atteinte à la sensibilité du plus grand nombre.